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2022 Iowa State Fair/Field of Dreams

'KCCI 8 News This Morning'

This special edition of our morning show featured two remote anchors from two major events happening in Iowa on the same day. This show eventually became an Emmy-winning show in markets 1-75.

Creative Newscast

An example of a newscast where I was able to showcase the variety of locations in the studio and challenge myself to break the norm of a day-to-day broadcast.

NFL Playoffs Preview

A short segment previewing the NFL Playoffs, which featured multiple ties to the state of Iowa.

Developing Newscast

An example of a newscast where stories were developing during the night and while we were on air. 

Developing/Weather Newscast

Another example of a developing newscast with multiple stories we were learning more about, plus we were also dealing with winter weather this day.

Presidential Visit Preview

The newscast the morning of a Presidential visit to Menlo, IA to discuss new biofuel rules.

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